There’s a myth that has been making the rounds related to old computer parts. Essentially, the myth states that if you were to scrap old computer PCBs, chips and other components, you can collect a fair deal of actual gold from them.
Well, it is not a myth. In fact, with the use of the correct chemicals and routines, you will be able to salvage a fair deal of gold. That is, assuming that you have access to hundreds of old computer parts.
I have to insert a disclaimer here.
When I mentioned chemicals, I have to also say that you should have a relatively good understanding of chemistry and how some chemicals can cause certain reactions. It is because of this I stress that you should have an idea of what you are doing long before you give this a try.

Also, I have to point out that the amount of gold on the average circuit board is not significant. Let’s face it, if your computer circuit board had a massive amount of gold plating on it, this would be reflected in the purchase price of your computer.
This, by the way, has absolutely nothing to do with the price difference between Mac/Apple computer products and all other Windows-based computer products. I had to throw that in there in case someone tried to point at Mac/Apple as being higher priced because of more gold plating on the circuit boards. I’ll tell you right now, that is not the case. However, it does make for a pretty good laugh if you didn’t know any better.
Remember that I said you would find not much gold on the average circuit board? Well, there are a lot of people out there thinking the same thing about gold recovery and have gotten rather serious about the whole deal. Some are so serious about it that they sell computer parts in volume just for this purpose.
Don’t believe me?
You can find hundreds of listings on eBay from people who will sell you a whole lot of computer parts for this purpose. Visit this eBay page for an idea of what I mean.
Believe it or not, there is a Toronto-based company that has built a complete business around this concept. You can see more on that by visiting this page here.
How much gold can you recover?
Well, there are small amounts of it present in the computer you are currently sitting on. But to make it easy to figure out, there is a place online that can help. This source helps you to calculate how much peripherals or PCBs you will require to salvage a specific amount of gold.

By the way, the industry standard happens to be 24 K.
Why gold and not some other metal to plate these computer components?
Well, that is a very good question. For some reason, the industry standard has been to use gold and it has been this way for quite some time now. As an expert in the data recovery industry, I can confirm this without a doubt.
Here are some reasons that I believe gold is used in electronics:
1 – Gold conducts electricity very efficiently
2 – Other metals can be alloyed with gold, such as nickel or cobalt
3 – Gold-plated connections can tolerate high temperatures
Have I inspired you to explore this as a potential new business idea? Well, you know, there is no denying that it is a good idea. However, there are several challenges to overcome in order for this to truly become a profitable entrepreneurial venture.
First off, there are going to be times when you are going to be spending far more money during the actual gold recovery process than that gold is going to be worth once you have salvaged it. That, I’m afraid, is the cold, hard reality of what this is in a nutshell.
Don’t get me wrong, there are a few bucks to be made doing this, but it won’t be worth your while if you are trying to make it an actual business plan. Also, you are going to have to know your chemistry and have the correct tools for the process from start to finish.
Remember, this is doable. It’s just not very practical.
However, here’s an idea for you concerning the salvage of gold from computer parts. Why not try this as a home experiment? You can find countless YouTube tutorials from others who have done this for guidance. Imagine if you were a school student and you needed a really over the top project for your local Science Fair? This could bring you a Gold Medal…no pun intended.

Have fun with this experiment where you will be able to salvage your first gold!