Challenges of recovering data from WD Spyglass family drives

While these drives have been in the industry for a considerable amount of time, they have always been a really big pain in the ass to work with. On average it takes double the time to recover data from a Spyglass 1 or 2 family drive, vs any other drive currently in the industry. While […]

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Does It Really Cost More To Recover A High-Capacity Hard Drive?

So, you need data recovered from a high-capacity hard drive but figure the cost should be the same as recovering data from a “normal sized” hard drive. After all, a hard drive is a hard drive, and there should be little difference in the process, right? Well, as it turns out, in the majority of […]

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Helium Hard Drive Recovery and What Is Involved

Helium hard drives are relatively new, having entered the industry in recent years. As established as they currently are, the technology required to effectively recover data from these new hard drives is not here yet. Let’s look at that once again. Helium drives are here, but the technology to recover data from them is not. […]

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Is A Cleanroom Really Necessary For Hard Drive Recovery?

This is a question that has been around as long as data recovery has been. This is the scenario: your hard drive starts to make a clicking sound and the first thing that comes to mind is “Oh, no! This is gonna be an expensive data recovery bill!” It is usually at this moment when […]

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What You Need To Know About Safely Opening A Sealed Retina 27-Inch iMac

So… you own a beautiful 27-inch Retina iMac. And you are considering either upgrading the hard drive, or the hard drive has failed and you are hoping to recover data from it. You figure, why take it to a professional when you can do it yourself, right? Well, there are a few things you need […]

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