Windows Hard Drive Formatting And Things To Keep In Mind

There are many different reasons why you may wish to format a hard drive. For example, you may be formatting it so that you can erase the data already contained on that drive. Possibly, you intend to use that drive with both Windows and Mac operating systems. Whatever your reason is, although formatting a hard […]

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Bad Heads Inside Your Hard Drive. What Does It Mean Exactly?

If you have experienced the unfortunate event of having a hard drive suddenly click or show signs of a mechanical failure, you probably also had to stop into your local data recovery center. As part of the diagnostics report you probably saw the terms “bad heads” “dead heads” or “weak heads.” They all mean basically […]

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Unexpected Hard Drive Sounds: Clicking, Buzzing, Clunking, Grinding, Beeping

It is not unusual to hear a strange sound coming from your hard drive. Maybe your hard drive plays what could be called a cool cellphone melody, and that is also not uncommon. However, sounds to pay attention to are the ones that are quite simply signs of failure. Being able to properly identify the […]

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Recovering Data As Evidence of War Crimes In War-Torn Countries

The world we currently live in sees a lot of different types of crimes that go unpunished. This certainly seems the case when we look back to how punishment for breaking laws was handed out in the 1980s and 1990s compared to now. While this may seem fairly accurate when we are looking at your […]

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Lacie Is At It Again And This Time It Gets Pretty Ridiculous

Some time ago, I published a blog post where I explained that Lacie is not really a hard drive manufacturing company. I also pointed out that nothing specific justifies the high cost of their products. Recently, things have taken a rather strange curveball with Lacie. Let me give you some background for context. Lacie became […]

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